7 ways to get extra value from video

7 ways to get extra value from video

Okay so you’ve produced a shiny new video for your business. You’ve taken the time to get it right – it’s got a good structure and script, it looks great, sounds great and works.

And if that’s all you’ve been thinking about, then around about now, you’ll realise that if you build it, they don’t come. The fact is you need to take your video to the people.

So here are a few ideas to help you get extra value from that production that is currently sitting on your webpage gathering digital dust.


Firstly make sure it’s not just sitting on your webpage. YouTube is now the second largest search engine and a lot of traffic flows from YouTube to websites. It is also extremely easy to embed your video from your YouTube channel onto your website.

So even if you only have one video now, create a YouTube channel and host your video there.

Sharing it

Now let people know about it. Share it – as much as you can through as many places as you can. Use your online social networks – LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and whatever you use to connect with your community. Also if you are part of groups in LinkedIn then share through those as well. The more the merrier. There is no point being shy about promoting yourself.

Seal the deal before meetings

Before meeting a prospect send them the link to the video. It will allow them to quickly understand your value and offering and will save time in the meeting. You will be able to focus on their needs and not have to spend time trying to sell yourself.

Using when relevant

Look for opportunities to post in response to relevant industry news or public news. For example “The issue raised in that article is a real concern. You can see in this video how it can be addressed …”


Just because you’ve already posted it and have seen it plenty of times, doesn’t mean you can’t repost it. Your network is constantly growing and I’m sure not all of them would have seen your video the first time around. So find another time to send it out there. You’ve spent the money on it, it looks good, make sure plenty of people get to see it.

Writing articles that support it.

To really hit the point home, craft articles around the offering in your video. Provide useful information that serves your targeted industry and promote the video as part of the story.

Include as part of your email signature

This is an easy one but few people do it. Remember you are not including the video but just the URL link to the video. Ideally the link should be to the webpage that is hosting the video. You want people to find your website and spend time there learning about how you can help them. Avoid sending them straight to YouTube. The ideal scenario is that YouTube and every other form of communication leads them to your website. So whenever possible send them to your website first of all.

Geoff Anderson is the owner of Sonic Sight, a video production facility in Sydney.
He is an author, presenter and a video producer.

Tweet him, book him, connect, learn, read, be friends, visit.
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About geoff

Geoff Anderson is the owner of Sonic Sight and author of Shoot Me Now - making videos to boost business. He is a father, skier and occassional pirate.

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