About geoff

Geoff Anderson is the owner of Sonic Sight and author of Shoot Me Now - making videos to boost business. He is a father, skier and occassional pirate.

Okay so you’ve produced a shiny new video for your business. You’ve taken the time to get it right – it’s got a good structure and script, it looks great, sounds great and works.

And if that’s all you’ve been thinking about, then around about now, you’ll realise that if you build it, they don’t come. The fact is you need to take your video to the people.

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Often I see people become excited about the prospect of making a video for their business. However, sometimes the first I hear of it is when they eagerly tell me about the camera they have bought. Personally I take a long time before investing in a new video camera. I can only scratch my head when I see someone who has handed over thousands of dollars without knowing what they have bought.


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